Private Loans can be great tools for those who own Real Estate and need a loan, but don´t qualify for a regular bank loan.  This is why we started Costa Private Loans.

Private (Hard Money) Loans on property are different from traditional bank mortgages. They are generally short-term, interest only loans, ranging in length from 1 to 5 years, and funded by individuals. They usually have a slightly higher interest rate, but are much simpler with minimal fees and penalties. This allows for a smaller monthly payment for the term, and the principal is to be paid back or renegotiated at the end of the loan term.

The main advantage of this type of loan is that they can be secured very quickly with a simple one-page application, and you can negotiate the terms to secure a win/win situation with your lender.

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  • We work in Beach, Coastal, Mountain and other tourist areas where banks rarely lend.
  • We deal with people and projects that the banks won’t work with, like Expats,  non-residents and foreigners.
  • Our lenders are fair and professional and offer reasonable rates and terms.
  • We care about our clients and long term relationships,more than we do about commissions.

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Where we loan?

High quality loans are synonymous with high quality real estate. In general, the nicer the piece of property and the better the location, the better it is for lenders. The other factor is loan-to-value. The better the loan-to-value ratio, the lower risk it is for investors and the more they will want to choose a particular opportunity. This is true for residential, commercial, and agricultural lending.

We are very selective with our loans and lenders, and turn down the majority of loan requests. We only offer loans to our clients which we would invest in ourselves.

We will be respectful with your time and always tell your quickly if we think we can help you or not. If we don’t think that we can match you or your loan with an interested counterparty, we will let you know right away so you can pursue other avenues.